Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sekitar Majlis Penyampaian Sijil Kursus Kemahiran Al-Quran (Maldives di INHAD)
Kursus Kemahiran Bertarannum Al-Quran
Pegawai Agama Republik Maldives
(6 Julai – 6 Ogos 2009 )
Kursus Kemahiran Bertarannum Al-Quran ini adalah anjuran bersama di antara KUISCELL, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS) dan Kementerian Hal Ehwal Islam Republik Maldives dengan kerjasama pihak Institut Kajian Hadis Selangor (INHAD) yang menyediakan fasiliti tempat dan alat-alat Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PNP) seperti projektor LCD, televisyen plasma, laptop, dan pembesar suara di perpustakaannya selama lebih kurang sebulan kursus berlangsung (114 jam). Terdapat seramai 25 orang Pegawai Agama dari Republik Maldives; 20 orang lelaki dan 5 orang perempuan menyertai kursus tersebut. Kebanyakan mereka terdiri daripada guru-guru matapelajaran kemahiran membaca al-Qur’an peringkat sekolah rendah di negara mereka.
Kursus Kemahiran Bertarannum ini telah berjalan dengan jayanya seperti yang telah direncanakan oleh pihak KUISCELL berdasarkan silabus dan modul-modul yang telah ditetapkan berobjektifkan pendedahan kepada 7 jenis bacaan tarannum yang biasa diajarkan di Malaysia iaitu Bayati, Husayni, Nahwand, Hijaz, Saba, Rast, dan Jaharkah. Kursus dimulakan dengan aspek sejarah ilmu tarannum. Mereka juga diperkenalkan dengan ilmu suara (fonologi) seperti sifat-sifat suara, tabaqat atau tahap-tahap suara: suara dada, kerongkong, hidung, dan otak; dan peranan suara. Namun peserta juga perlu mengetahui istilah-istilah ilmu tarannum seperti harakat, mahthah, qit’ah dan burdah bagi melicinkan proses pembelajaran ini. Apa yang lebih penting ialah penguasaan ilmu tajwid yang baik untuk menyempurnakan bacaaan al-Qur’an al-Karim.
Seramai 6 orang tenaga pengajar terlibat memahirkan delegasi ini membaca al-Qur’an terutamanya dari segi tarannum; mereka ialah:
1) Ustaz Mohd Radhi Mohd Rejab (Tarannum)
2) Professor Madya Dr. Mohd. Nur Manutty (Tafsir al-Qur’an)
3) Ustaz Mohd Farid Ravi b. Abdullah aka Pengarah INHAD (Ulum al-Qur’an)
4) Ustaz Mohd Ikmal Zaidi (Tarannum)
5) Ustaz Imran Kamal Basha (Tajwid)
6) Ustaz Syuhada’ (Guru Ganti)
Di samping serius berkursus, mereka juga berpeluang menikmati aktiviti-aktiviti santai pada hujung minggu atau waktu malam seperti mengikuti lawatan ke Putrajaya, Nilai 3, Muzium Seni Islam dan Menara Berkembar KLCC. Makanan juga disediakan 4 kali sehari oleh pihak penganjur. Mereka kemudiannya diraikan dalam satu majlis makan malam di KUIS bersama barisan pentadbir. Sebelum kursus berakhir, penilaian terhadap pencapaian mereka dilakukan untuk melayakkan mereka mendapat sijil kursus. Majoriti peserta menyatakan rasa seronok mereka mempelajari kemahiran bertarannum ini. Mereka juga menunjukkan minat yang mendalam dan tekun berlatih memahirkan diri. Diharapkan semoga lebih banyak lagi program-program seumpama ini akan diadakan untuk manfaat bersama umat Islam sama ada untuk orang-orang tempatan atau dari luar negara.
Fax:+603-8926 6279
Hadith Research Institute Selangor (INHAD)
Bandar Sri Putra, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Kami di sini :
Preface INHAD
Praise be to Allah, prayer and peace upon the Messenger of Allah:
Indeed the “Hadith” is one of Allah’s greatest blessings which had been endowed for none other than the followers of Prophet Muhammad alone, although there were more than one hundred and twenty thousand prophets sent to many nations at different times, but there is no evidence that they had recorded their prophets’ sayings or deeds or vivid detailed recordings of their ongoing life at that time. Obviously, Allah had not Destined the same for them. He kept the Best for the Last Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah s.a.w., and also He had promised to protect them as ordained in the Holy Qur’an:
We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).
(al-Hijr: 9)
So, the Hadith was well preserved over the centuries, despite many attempts by the enemies of Islam to insert things into it, distort or innovate it as their wicked hearts desired. But Allah had Promised to preserve it the way it is until the Day of Resurrection, thus, it is protected from their conspiracies against it. And Allah had Destined that there would always be some highly capable men obliged to defend the Prophetic Tradition in every era, in every place, with whatever means. These men would not mind to sacrifice their lives and their souls in his service. They meticulously studied every aspect of his Hadith, created out from it organized sciences, and founded the principles and methods for those sciences. Even history had undeniably witnessed how this contribution had incomparably served the East at large as well as the West like no other science ever existed in the history of mankind.
But it’s the fate of our country (
Therefore, it is very crucial to infuse the sense of belongingness to and awareness of the Hadith among the Malaysian Muslims, and furthermore to disseminate and expose more about the Sciences of Hadith to them. Thus, Allah had Granted diligent individuals who are enthusiastic towards defending the Hadith to bring about the establishment of this institute. It is indeed was founded on a noble cause to attain significant objectives ahead. So, we hope to serve the Hadith in this country as mentioned in details in this Profile of the Institute.
We request Allah who is the All-Hearing, the Responsive, and the Omnipotent over all things to help us to serve The Hadith of Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him – to achieve all the goals that we have set for this Institute, Insha Allah.
Hj Mohd Farid Ravi bin Abdullah
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